(Updated: March 12, 2025)
Issuing Status: | May Issue |
Inform Law Enforcement: | No |
Honors Other States Permits: | No |
Issues Non Resident Permits: | Yes |
Prohibited Locations: |
*No Guns* Signs Force Of Law: | No |
Store In Vehicle: | Yes (unloaded and locked) |
Allowed In State Parks: | Yes |
Allowed In National Parks: | Yes |
Allowed In Game Management Units: | |
Allowed In Wildlife Management Areas: | Yes |
Allowed At Road Rest Areas: | Yes |
Allowed In Restaurants Where Alcohol Served: | Yes |
States Honoring Massachusetts Permit | Alaska, Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Iowa, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Mississippi, Montana, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont |
Open Carry Allowed: | Yes (use caution; frowned upon in some juris.) |
Licensing Age: |
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